Mel Meter - 8704 ProNavigator!
Mel-8704R ProNavigator is Designed Exclusively For Paranormal Investigators
Now with a FREE CARRY CASE!!
ELF Range down to 30Hz !
Night Vision Safe, High Intensity Red Flashlight & Red Backlight
Custom Dual Display Correlates EMF & Temperature Cold Spots Simultaneously!
Custom Glow-In-The-Dark Push Buttons. A 30 sec. Charge from Your Flashlight
Lasts 3 Hours!
EMF "Burst" Mode Feature is Ideal for Sweeping a room & Tracking Dynamic EMF movement
Measurement Ranges: 20, 200, 2000 uTesla
200, 2000, 20,000 mGauss
Super Bright Custom Red "Night view" Display with On/Off Button
Fast Response Type "K" Thermocouple Temperature Sensor
Record Feature Captures Min & Max Values